Thursday, March 1, 2012

How last nights dinner became today's Bento..

I saw a recipe for easy crock pot chicken tacos on Pinterest last week, I HAD to try it, because.. who doesn't like tacos? It was simple:

One 16oz Jar of Salsa
One packet of taco seasoning (I used mild)
Chicken Breasts

Combine in crock pot, cook 4-6 hours on high

I altered it and used chicken tenders instead, which was great because it cooked in just 2.5 hours. The chicken VERY easily shredded apart, actually practically fell apart, and it tasted AMAZING.

Taco Shown is just about 270 Calories, and kept me full for hours!! 

Now heres todays bento, made from last nights dinner!


Baby Carrots & Hummus: Total 92 Calories
Special K Crisps: 44 Calories (12 Pieces)
Total: 136

Lunch DIY Taco:
Flour Tortilla, cut into 4 pieces: 110 Calories
Crock Pot Chicken: 62 Calories (2 oz)
Light Sour Cream: 31 Calories (1.5 tbs)
Fresh Avocado: 57 Calories (1/4 avocado)
Salsa: 10 Calories (2 tbs)
Total: 270

Grand Total of Snack and lunch: 407 Calories


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