About Me

I'm a photographer, artist, graphic designer, daughter, aunt, wife, and above all else, a mommy. I have also recently gotten pretty into trying to live my life healthier, after gaining back 8 of the 50+ pounds I lost last year. 

So heres what you can expect:

Recipes & Foods I've tried
Fitness talk (to keep myself motivated)
a lot of "I want to try this!!"
Some ranting.. (I'll keep it to a minimum)
and occasionally some Mommy Babble
..and some artwork when I have the time to fit it in

Quick background on me:
Graduated with a BFA in Graphic Design & Photography in 2006
Work as a full time Graphic Designer, and work as a Photographer on the side
Met my husband in 2005
Moved from Long Island, NY to NC in 2007
Married at the end of 2007
The little love of my life was born in May of 2009
We have the best dog in the world, her name is Roxy
I'm pretty sure I'll be on a "diet" for the rest of my life just to maintain my weight
 I have a new found love of Pilates
I could live on Facebook and Pinterest

Thanks for reading :) enjoy!