Friday, February 17, 2012

The difference 5 pounds makes..

So when I initially started gaining weight back I realized how oddly weight is distributed on my body. First it goes to my love handles, then to my stomach, then it goes to my arms. I've lost just over 5 pounds at this point, since dieting again, and I really didn't think it would make such a difference. My favorite jeans fit again, without squeezing. My hoodie is loose in my arms, even though I just washed it. My wedding rings are even loose, they keep flipping over on my finger. 

It isn't a large weight loss, but it made some pretty huge differences. Now if I lose the other 12 pounds I want to lose, will that mean that I need an entire new wardrobe? AGAIN? For the 4th time since I first started dieting last year? I went from a size 15 to a size 7. I'm still steadly at a 7, and my favorite jeans that I'm talking about above are a 7 as well, but a different cut. I do not want to go smaller than a 5, I feel like I would look like I was sick if I was any smaller than that. I've heard 10 pounds = one jean size, and so far its kind of stuck true to me. I was just about to not fit into the 7's anymore when I gained the 8 pounds back.

Now its time to start really toning up. I got my 30 day shred DVD waiting for me, and I will be starting that soon. I was waiting until after my root canal, and it's over and I'm ALMOST pain free. So after all the house work and painting is done, I'll be starting that. Probably the first week of March. I'll make the month of March my hell month to work out, haha!

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