Friday, January 27, 2012

A Typical Day of Food

According to my Calorie Counting app on my iPhone I am allowed to stay within 1100 and 1400 calories a day, in order to lose 1-1.5lbs a week. I re-started this app a week ago, at 142, and I was at 140.5 this morning. I'm sure it will continue to fluctate, but hey its a start. I'd like to get down to under 130, and it will be the FIRST time in my life I'm below 130. My all time low was a year ago at 136.

A typical day is as follows:

Low Sugar Oatmeal - 120 Calories
Tea with sugar (I cant give up my sugar, the substitutes mess with my stomach) - 68 Calories
Total: 188

Minestrone soup: 165 Calories
Six Ritz Crackers: 96 Calories
Total: 261

Grilled Chicken, 4oz: 124 Calories
Quick and Easy Chickpea and Olive Salad (I'll post a recipe, way easy, way fast): 150 Calories
Total: 274

English Muffin with 1/2 tbs. Low Sugar Jelly: 145 Calories
10 Mini Salt and Pepper Ricecakes: 100 Calories
Tea with sugar: 68 Calorie
Hummus with Pita Chips: 200 Calories

Total Calories for the day: 1,236 - Well within my range for the day

On a day of eating that, I had zero IBS symptoms. Chick peas have become my friend, although some people with IBS cannot tolerate them. They are an amazing source of protein as well as soluable fiber, which is the "Safe" fiber for IBS-D sufferers.

I've fallen into the "same foods every day" many times. I've had oatmeal monday-friday at work for breakfast for the past year. At least its healthy, so I don't mind eating it 5x a week. It is definitely better than a bagel with cream cheese. At home on the weekends, I may have an english muffin with peanut butter and jelly, or a veggie omlette. Same with lunch, I tend to eat a lot of the same foods, just because they're easy while at work. I am trying to break that, and actually hoping this blog with get me excited enough to try new things, pack more from home rather than a can of soup, and maybe experiment with this "bento box" concept that everyone seems to be doing lately.

On any of my posts if anyone has suggestions or recipies they would like to share please feel free! I'm always open for opinions and suggestions!

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