Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm thinking Pilates is my new love..

Last night I tried out two DVDs, a Yoga DVD and a Pilates DVD.

My immediate thought? Yoga is no joke, and Pilates is amazing! There's definitely nothing like a beginners Yoga dvd to remind you how out of shape you actually are. It definitely helped me stretch out enough to move on to the Pilates dvd. At one point during the Yoga set, I definitely laid down on the floor laughing at myself about how hard it was to hold my arms in the same position for 10 minutes straight. My dog thinks I'm crazy, I'm sure. I'm not going to lie, I stopped the Yoga dvd before it was over. I'm not sure if it was just the dvd itself that just made me not so interested, so I'll be trying out an alternate dvd for Yoga at some point. But for now, full blown Pilates!

I absolutely love the Pilates dvd. It was fun, and quick 10 minute work outs for each section. Mix and match the sessions, or focus on one part at a time. I did the abs, arms, and full body sessions last night. This dvd really focused on using a resistance band, and it definitely helps. I hadn't used a band before now, but its so versatile, and theres so many exercises that you can do with it. I am definitely feeling it in my abs and shoulders today, and I love it! When I can feel the burn the following day, I know I did something right. I can't wait to do it again tonight. I think I'll start with a warm up short Yoga session, and then on to abs, legs, and full body for Pilates.

Low Calorie Quick Chickpea & Olive Salad

I mentioned a chick pea and olive salad in an earlier post. I've been eating this a lot just because of how quick and easy it is. Its a great little snack, and under 150 calories a serving! I made it again last night so I figured I would post up the recipe.

Quick & Easy Chick pea and Olive Salad
Makes 4 servings - 142 Calories per serving

What you will need:
One large can of chickpeas
One small can sliced black olives
One jar green olives with pimentos
2 Tbs Kens Oil and Vinegar Light Options Dressing (or an equivalent low calorie dressing)
Garlic Powder to taste
Next Combine all ingredients into a bowl:
Now Mix! Add whatever spices you like into it as well to taste. I prefer to use just a bit of garlic powder, because come on, everythings better with garlic.
It is too easy! and tastes great!

You can also vary this by adding other vegetables, such as scallions or onion. Fresh tomato would taste pretty good in this as well!


Monday, January 30, 2012

Yoga, Pilates, and Abs!

Tonight I start my new workout DVD's. I bought a "Yoga for Weightloss" and a "Pilates for Weightloss and Toning" DVD. I figure that the Yoga will help out not only with toning up, but as far as I hear it'll also help the evil stomach to somewhat regulate itself a bit better. I think I need some calming Yoga in my life anyway, haha. I'll post an update about how it goes! Should be interesting. On top of it I was on Pinterest (my lovely newest obsession) and found a "Fab Ab February Challenge", right in time for February! So, I'm jumping on it. Whoever wants to do it with me feel free, and post your progress as well! So long as I'm blogging about it, I'm hoping I actually stay motivated to continue working out. I've always had a problem keeping up with work outs, I lose interest way too fast when results don't come in quick enough for me. This time, I'm forcing myself to keep on top of it. Whats better for me? Sitting on a couch watching TV once the little one goes to bed? Or working out for an hour? I'll vote working out, thank you. 

Here the February Challenge for anyone interested!

Friday, January 27, 2012

A Typical Day of Food

According to my Calorie Counting app on my iPhone I am allowed to stay within 1100 and 1400 calories a day, in order to lose 1-1.5lbs a week. I re-started this app a week ago, at 142, and I was at 140.5 this morning. I'm sure it will continue to fluctate, but hey its a start. I'd like to get down to under 130, and it will be the FIRST time in my life I'm below 130. My all time low was a year ago at 136.

A typical day is as follows:

Low Sugar Oatmeal - 120 Calories
Tea with sugar (I cant give up my sugar, the substitutes mess with my stomach) - 68 Calories
Total: 188

Minestrone soup: 165 Calories
Six Ritz Crackers: 96 Calories
Total: 261

Grilled Chicken, 4oz: 124 Calories
Quick and Easy Chickpea and Olive Salad (I'll post a recipe, way easy, way fast): 150 Calories
Total: 274

English Muffin with 1/2 tbs. Low Sugar Jelly: 145 Calories
10 Mini Salt and Pepper Ricecakes: 100 Calories
Tea with sugar: 68 Calorie
Hummus with Pita Chips: 200 Calories

Total Calories for the day: 1,236 - Well within my range for the day

On a day of eating that, I had zero IBS symptoms. Chick peas have become my friend, although some people with IBS cannot tolerate them. They are an amazing source of protein as well as soluable fiber, which is the "Safe" fiber for IBS-D sufferers.

I've fallen into the "same foods every day" many times. I've had oatmeal monday-friday at work for breakfast for the past year. At least its healthy, so I don't mind eating it 5x a week. It is definitely better than a bagel with cream cheese. At home on the weekends, I may have an english muffin with peanut butter and jelly, or a veggie omlette. Same with lunch, I tend to eat a lot of the same foods, just because they're easy while at work. I am trying to break that, and actually hoping this blog with get me excited enough to try new things, pack more from home rather than a can of soup, and maybe experiment with this "bento box" concept that everyone seems to be doing lately.

On any of my posts if anyone has suggestions or recipies they would like to share please feel free! I'm always open for opinions and suggestions!

The explanation..

Heres the background to this blog..

Currently I am 5'1 and 142 pounds, athletic build. I've struggled with my weight my whole life, I'd say from the day I was born. I always managed to keep myself active in sports come middle school, all the way through highschool, yet I always yo-yo-ed with my weight. Highschool low was 148 even during volleyball and softball seasons, then college started and I shot up to the 160's, moreso towards 170. 

It was 2004, on a trip to California, and I had my first "stomach attack". I'll never forget it. The last week of July in sunny amazing San Diego, I laid curled up in a ball on the floor in total agony wondering why my stomach felt like it was being torn out of me. As soon as I got back home to NY I went to the doctor, over the next year I went through god knows how many tests and procedures, and everything showed up negative. I was diagnosed with IBS. I was also told I possibly had Endometriosis and definitely had ovarian cysts, and I would need surgery to remove both. 

During the year of constant "testing", I became petrified of food. I basically lived on grilled chicken and grilled vegetables, and bread, which dropped me down to the 140's again. I felt AMAZING, minus the constant stomach problems that were becoming unbearable, but I finally liked the way I looked again. But dropping 40 pounds in 6 months definitely wasnt healthy. I knew I was bound to gain it back again, and I did, after the endometriosis and cyst removal surgery. I gained back 30 pounds. At this point I felt like my life was being ruled by my IBS. Scared to go out, or make any plans, in case of an "attack". 

In May of 2005, a few months before my surgery, I met my now husband, Matt. I hid all of my symptoms from him as long as I possibly could. He saw through it, since he had experience with a friend of his who had the same issues that I did. After he figured it out and told me that he knew what was going on with me, and to stop hiding it from him, he became my rock. He turned into my biggest supporter and was there through the rest of the "testing", when I had and my surgery, and every day there after. 

The next year or two went on the same, still having attacks constantly, trying different medications, and ballooning up to the 180's. Early 2007 we moved to North Carolina, and October of 2007 was our wedding. I managed to get down to the 160's again for our wedding at least, (but gained it all back again afterwards). Our wedding day is actually when my sister-in-law introduced me to Imodium Multi-Symptom (which eventually turned into my total go to medication, it was the only thing that helped).

Fast forward again, July of 2008 I start weight watchers, lost about 10 pounds immediately, I had started there in the 180's. At the time Matt and I decided to try to get pregnant, I was told that it would take up to a year for us to conceive because of my previous cyst and endometriosis issues. Well guess what, it took two weeks. August 2008 and 178 pounds, I'm pregnant. There goes that diet attempt! My IBS was about 75% better while I was pregnant (enough for me to basically live on Taco Bell). I got up to 220 pounds by the end of my pregnancy, but lost almost all the baby weight after 4 months, but that still left me back in the 180's. A typical newborn year goes by and after looking at his first birthday pictures, I knew I had to change. 

I downloaded a calorie counting app on my phone recommended by a friend, and went to work. My IBS was either terrible, or great during the dieting time. Once you realize you can't diet normally (aka rabbit food like the typical salad), it makes it a little bit harder. I had to get creative to avoid the foods that were "triggers" for my IBS, while still staying within a certain calorie range, and staying in a healthy food area. It was definitely a learning curve. From June of 2010 to November of 2011 I lost almost 60 pounds, the RIGHT way, and brought myself down to 136, my all time low! I had re-learned how to eat, and maintained my weight without even needing to track calories up until a few months ago. I then realized that I definitely was slipping up on the "healthy" aspect and going back to eating what was most convenient. It also probably had something to do with switching birth control methods, I gained back 8 pounds. Now to a "normal" person, thats nothing, but to me that definitely means I'm about to balloon back up again. I'm nipping it now and going back on my "calorie counting diet". I'm slowly realizing I'm never going to be able to be one of those people who can eat anything and be fine. I will have to watch my food for the rest of my life, and I'm okay with that. 

Now I just have to remember how I used to eat without triggering my more controlled IBS at this point. Over the past year I have found a medication regime that has made my IBS way more tolerable. Probiotic pill + Vitamin D 2000IU pill = Happy tummy, usually, but theres always Imodium when I do have a bad day. Now when I say "controlled" I meant I only have 6-10 attacks a month, rather than 20-30, yes, at one point it was a daily battle. 

I basically started this blog to try to help out others with the same issues as myself. Trying to diet, unable to eat a lot of typical diet foods in bulk (aka. raw veggies), or trying to maintain a certain weight, all while having IBS-D and a busy life style.. I'll mention my son is a VERY active 2 year old and I work full time with hours that are opposite my husbands. Time to cook is limited, and its hard to not just grab some mac and cheese and chicken nuggets. Exercise time is also unheard of for me, however I just got a "Yoga for Weight Loss" DVD so we'll see how that goes, haha. 

I'll post quick and easy foods on the go and recipes that I find that are low calorie and agree with an IBS tummy. Keep in mind, I am NOT a doctor or nutritionist. I am simply a person who has been there, and is doing my best to keep my symptoms at bay, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating habit. All that is written in this blog is what works specifically for me, and what I hope will work for someone else as well. 

Well if you made it this far CONGRATS! and thanks for listening. I promise I don't write blog entries that are books like this often. 

Here's some before and afters (click to enlarge):

Current picture: